Unstructured Play

Why Greystone House?


We believe in outdoor time and free, unstructured play. Children who are given ample time for both can thrive in the modern world. Beyond the obvious benefits of simple play, the type of play we facilitate builds skills that are sorely missing in today’s digital world.

Outdoor play builds gross motor skills, but by providing a variety of activities beyond a simple playground we build more. Free play encourages running, jumping, bike riding and climbing – activities that each contribute different physical and mental exercises to your child’s day.

Playing outside also encourages and appreciation for the natural world. Children are free to examine leaves and bugs, watch birds and even plant gardens. We would rather have to do a little extra cleanup than rob children of the opportunity to appreciate the wonders of the natural world.

Unstructured play also builds social skills. Organized activities are fine in some ways, but too much structure creates institutionalized followers who wait to be told what to do and look to others to manipulate the world for them. When they are allowed to play freely, children learn leadership, compromise, and team building. They create alliances and learn democracy. They also provide opportunities to put into effect the values we reinforce every day and allow children to practice issue resolution skills that will serve them well as they grow into self-reliant, responsible adults.

A young child develops fluency with numbers