Greystone House and Community

At Greystone House Montessori schools, we want to create community. In a normal year we build community through a series of events. While COVID is currently interfering, we are constantly seeking creative ways to ensure we are all engaged.




Coffee Klatches

 A klatch is defined as a casual social gathering, usually focused on conversation. At Greystone House, we host coffee klatches focused on parenting, work/life balance, family and technology and more. Because our mission is to support families, we look at our klatches as a way to:

       Connect families outside of school, and across our schools.

       Gather perspectives and share resources that can help us all grow together as adults.

       Provide insights into how Montessori works, what your child does during the day, and how our techniques can help at home.

       Create a forum where we can hear your concerns, learn the challenges you are facing as parents and focus on what it means to meet the challenges of parenting in an ever-changing world.

       Bring some external (and internal) expertise to the table on topics ranging from social media to health and well-being.

Our klatches are virtual for now and all who are curious are invited. Log in and check out your school’s events calendar for upcoming klatches!

Easter Egg Hunt

There is a lot of fun to be had in watching a lot of children descend on a playground covered in Easter eggs, and we are all about that fun. Every year we invite parents and extended family to join us as we turn the children loose to discover trinkets and treasures.  

Mother's Day and Father's Day

Talk about a twist. Our Mother’s Day Tea and Father’s Day Breakfast have the children preparing food for Mom and Dad. And then serving it to them using their best manners! All while Mom and Dad socialize with other parents as they enjoy the company of their children. Of all the events we host, these are the events that are virtually guaranteed to feature 100% attendance.


Aloha and Mahalo to our families! Join us by the pool for some fun in the sun. Bring a dish and walk away full and happy. This is a great opportunity for unstructured play outside of school. And we aren’t just referring to the children.

Fall Outing

Every year in October we look for a venue where families can get together and strengthen old bonds or forge new friendships. The children have a chance to interact in different surroundings away from school and everyone can enjoy a little break.

Halloween Carnival

Frights galore? Not really. Just some good, old fashioned orange, green and black fun. Parents volunteer here and the children have fun. Face painting? Check! Bobbing for apples? Check! Fun and games? Check! Spooky fun is the name of the game.

Winter Open House

Our annual culminating event is our open house which celebrates the season and the holidays of our diverse families. Every child gets a chance to show their parents and grandparents the work they do all day. Once everyone has had their fill of winter treats, egg nog and wassail, the children sing carols for everyone. Arrive early as we fill every side street for this festive event!